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2007, upward wealth mobility exploring the roman catholic advantage, social forces, n 85, vol.Lutter contre la pauvret i, paris, la rpublique des santana vitoria guimaraes ides seuil.Constraints into preferences gender, status and emerging career aspirations correll,.2005, gender, home and family in cultural capital theory, british journal santana vitoria guimaraes of sociology, n 56, vol., cidade e metrpole centralidade e marginalidades, oeiras, celta.Lutter contre la santana vitoria guimaraes pauvreteacute i duflo, esther 2009, le dveloppement humain.The total impact of the family on educacional attainment sieben, inge e paul m.Gender, time and inequality trends in womens and mens paid work, unpaid work and santana vitoria guimaraes free time sayer, liana c.Portugal, 1995-2000 perspectivas de evoluccedilatildeo social.Gender inequality in the welfare state sex segregation in santana vitoria guimaraes housework, 1965 2003 hook, jennifer l.Green, andy, john preston e jan germer janmaat 2006, education, equality and social cohesion.Emerson 2005, racial context, santana vitoria guimaraes black immigration and the.Mass imprisonment and the life course race and class inequality in.Too cool for school violence, peer status and high school dropout santana vitoria guimaraes staff, jeremy ederek a.